Information About the role played by Canadian Workers and their Unions in the Struggle Against Apartheid Archive ContentsBackground on the SACTU Solidarity CommitteeList of Contributors to SACTU Strike Fund 1980 to 1987April 2021 presentation to the Toronto Workers History ProjectList of Materials in Library of Canada ArchivesNewsletters in English 1981 - 1987Bulletins en Francais 1982 - 1987Trafficking in Apartheid Canadian Sanctions Against ApartheidBooks - Freedom in Our Lifetime & Organize or StarveBibliography of academic referencesInterviews with Anti-apartheid activists Text of Speech by Jay Naidoo first General Secretary of COSATU to the 1986 Convention of the Canadian Labour CongressSSC activists Brenda Wall & Ken Luckhardt awarded South Africa’s Order of the Companions of OR Tambo Silver MedalOntario Federation of Labour Press Release re OR Tambo Award